Writer's Digest 12/5/2006 prompt
Mr. Norton,
You’re not going to believe this, but we discovered yesterday that my wife is pregnant. As you know, I’ve had a vasectomy and my wife has had her tubes tied, so we’re at a loss as to how this could have occurred. I assure you, I am most heartily ashamed of myself, as I’m sure you’d wish me to be.
I’m sure you’ll understand, this is some major news for our family, and we’re going to have to make some fairly major lifestyle changes. Naturally, we’re going to have to move, I don’t believe a nude camp is the best place for a little one. And Eliza will certainly have to get a new job. Not only that, but our ob-gyn has strongly suggested to us that with a little one coming we might want to get a car to compliment our motorcycles.
Most important in the short run, though, is getting all of the booze out of the house. As you can imagine, this is a rather major effort. We’ve been working on it since we got the news. Eliza, of course, shouldn’t be doing much of the heavy lifting, so that has primarily fallen to me. I do want to support Eliza in this, though, so we’ll both be going cold turkey starting last night.
With so many changes occurring in our life right now, I don’t feel I can be away from Eliza so soon, and that’s why I can’t come into work today.
Joshua Thrack